Uncritical Erase Theory Seminars: Presented by Trump University and Khan Academy [Satire]
It has come to the President’s attention that Executive Branch agencies have spent millions of taxpayer dollars to date “training” government workers to believe divisive, anti-American propaganda….
The President has a proven track record of standing for those whose voice has long been ignored and who have failed to benefit from all our country has to offer, and he intends to continue to support all Americans, regardless of race, religion, or creed. The divisive, false, and demeaning propaganda of the critical race theory movement is contrary to all we stand for as Americans and should have no place in the Federal government.
Memorandum, Russell Vought, Director
Col Jessup: You want answers?!
LTJG Kaffee: I want the truth!
Col Jessup: You can’t handle the truth!
“A Few Good Men” (1992)
Partially funded by a Freedom Grant, and in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Education, the following seminars are now available in an effort to correct years of damage done by diversity and anti-racism training that included Critical Race Theory.
The seminars are available live through Trump University via Zoom (https://trumpu.zoom.us/djt/06141946666) each Tuesday at 4 PM EST or available through recorded on-demand via the Khan Academy.
Register for individual seminars ($189 and include access to the recorded seminar for an additional $29) or for the entire series ($1799 and include access to recorded seminars for an additional $69).
Concurrently, book clubs are also available and will be conducted via Zoom throughout the month designated. Register for book clubs for $139 (participants must purchase their own book copies).
Slavery: A Necessary Evil
Presenter: Tom Cotton, Senator (Arkansas)
Canceling “Cancel Culture” and Reverse Racism
Presenter: Herman Cain (via Twitter)
It’s Just a Joke: Reclaiming Comedy in Trump’s America
Presenters: Louis CK and Bill Cosby
America: Land of Racial Harmony (Except for Our Stories of Overcoming)
Presenters: Nikki Haley and Tim Scott with a special recorded message from Ben Carson
The Law Is Colorblind: Beyond Affirmative Action
Presenter: Clarence Thomas
Policing: Overcoming the Dangers of Black Boys and Black Men’s Backs
Presenter: Roland Fryer
Put American Workers First
Presenter: Melania Trump and Ivanka Trump
Returning Women’s Reproductive Roles through Household Voting
Presenter: Abby Johnson
All Lives Matter: Standing Our Ground
Presenter: George Zimmerman
Why Can’t I Use the N-Word?: Language Fairness in Trump’s America
Presenter: Sgt. Chad Walker
Book Club
October 2020
John Howard Griffin’s Black Like Me
Facilitators: Jessica A. Krug and Rachel Dolezal
BONUS: Movie Marathon (Free)
November 2, 2020 / 8 AM EST thru November 3, 2020 / 8 AM
The Help (2011)
Hosted by Netflix