Thoughts from Driving Cross-Country in 2022: Kansas
This was going to be a different blog post. In early July and then again in early August, I drove cross country — from SC to CO and then back.
This drive crosses for significant stretches Kansas and Missouri. And driving for hours along Interstate 70 in those states is a vivid and disturbing snapshot of the U.S.A. in 2022.
After posting about driving to OH and back, I had begun to think even more deeply about the current political state of the union. We are not a country divided by Right v. Left or Republican v. Democrat.
The division involves those of us who favor community and those who are seeking authoritarianism. I was motivated to continue this idea after seeing a Tweet from Allison Gaines:
I agree with her, and I think that poll captures the divide I identified above; non-religious and Jewish people have chosen community, and Catholics, Protestants, and Mormons have chosen authoritarianism.
The problem is that these ideologies are being leveraged in our political system. The very real and immediate danger is that those seeking authoritarianism are using government to impose those ideologies onto everyone — and they are winning. Those seeking community — people who believe democracy is a way to provide everyone space to live freely in ways that are diverse and not mandated by an authority — are losing. Badly.
[Please continue reading HERE.]