Black Widow Underestimated: “I Remember Everything”
Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow is in comic book limbo.
The limbo after the end of v.8, only 15 issues, suggests that Marvel is only capable of underestimating her in the long run, but the latest (last?) run shows once again — and possibly at the highest level — that breathing rich and vibrant life into this character is not only possible but also needed.
The core team of v.8 offers readers one of the best volumes featuring Black Widow — Kelly Thompson (writer), Elena Casagrande (artist), Jordie Bellaire (colorist), and Adam Hughes (cover artist) with additional artists Rafael De Latorre, Carlos Gómez, and Rafael Pimentel making strong contributions.
While many familiar patterns are once again found in v.8, this run is held together by the unifying purpose that resonates throughout the writing and the visual power, solidly anchored in a creative team of women (Thompson, Casagrande, and Bellaire).
[Please continue reading HERE.]
[See the full 8-blog series HERE.]